sábado, 4 de agosto de 2007

Imprisoned Christians Charged

More than 40 Christian leaders imprisoned in April, after a video recording of them praying for Muslims was leaked to Islamic organizations, have been charged under Article 156 KUPH. Under article 156 and 156a, “anyone who expresses hatred, opposition or insults one individual or groups of Indonesian citizens in public, will be imprisoned four to five years, or fined 4,500 rupiah. Muslims claim Christians blasphemed the Koran by placing it on the floor and praying for millions of people deceived by it. The Islamic organizations consider the video’s content abusive and have released the video to the media. Among the imprisoned are parents of young children. Pray for those in prison and their families. Ask God to give them boldness and wisdom as they face these difficult challenges. Psalm 91, Isaiah 26:3

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