quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2007

Christians Arrested and Beaten

  • ORISSA - On April 17, four pastors were arrested by local police in the Cuttack district after Hindu extremists saw them distributing Christian literature and accused them of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity. The pastors were released on bail the following day.
  • TAMIL NADU - On April 22, two pastors were beaten and jailed after more than 20 members of a Hindu extremist group disrupted a prayer meeting. The extremists surrounded the house where the Christians were meeting and verbally abused the pastors. When the police arrived the pastors were ordered to accompany them to the police station. On the way, the extremists attacked again, beating the pastors and four believers who accompanied them. The extremists accused the pastors of forced conversions and are being held in the central prison. Pray for God to speedily heal those who were injured and that Christians in India will trust Him in the midst of great persecution.
Psalm 103:1-3, Psalm 5: 11-12

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